PTA Meetings

Association Meetings

Summer Lake PTA Association Meetings take place the first Tuesday of each month @ 6:00pm.  We are currently conducting our association meetings online via Zoom.  Please see the calendar for a link to the Zoom meetings.  Please note: Only current PTA members can vote on agenda items.  Click here to learn more about PTA membership.

Upcoming Agendas

Agendas for the next association meeting will be posted one week prior the meetings.  Link to our virtual meetings (Zoom) can be found on the agenda.

August 1, 2023
October 17, 2023 (moved due to Fall Break)
December 5, 2023
February 6, 2023
April 2, 2023
June 4, 2023

Parliamentary Procedure

Summer Lake PTA's meetings are ran using Robert's Rules of Order.  Below is a primer on parliamentary procedure:

Order – One business item at a time
Equal Opportunity – Chance to participate
Justice – Fairness | Everyone understands
Right of Minority – To be heard
Right of Majority – To decide

Who runs PTA Meetings?

The PTA President chairs meetings, with assistance and support from the Parliamentarian when they request it.

Who assists the chair?

The PTA Parliamentarian, an appointed position, assists the President with calling on speakers and keeping discussion focused on one topic at a time. Additionally, when several PTA members wish to speak to the same issue, the parliamentarian may assist the president by noting the names of those wishing to speak and the order in which they should be called.

What is Quorum?

Quorum is 12 for Association meetings and 3 for Board meetings​

How is a motion presented?

What are the different types of voting?

*All information presented above has been compiled based on Robert's Rules of Order and guidance from CAPTA.  If you would like to learn more about the bylaws and procedure, please contact us.